QGIS User Conference in Bratislava

The QGIS User Conference is an annual event that brings together users and developers of the QGIS open-source geographic information system software. The conference provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest developments in QGIS, share their experiences with others, and network with other QGIS users and developers. The Conference this year took […]

Participation in 36 AESOP annual congress in Paris

This week, researchers Oleksii Yehorchenkov and Nataliia Yehorchenkova, attended the 36th AESOP Annual Congress 2024 at Sciences Po University in Paris, France. They presented the outputs of their studies at the university. Within the event valuable discussions were held with EU representatives on various topics from using AI in Urban Planning area to potential support […]

Teaching Mobility to TSNUK Ukraine

Within the Erasmus ICM project, Nataliia Yehorchenkova visited Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv as a representative of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. She had meetings with the Head of the International Office, Roman Petyur, and Serhii Vyzhva the dean of the Institute of Geology and representatives Vsevolod Demydov, Oleksandr Malyshev, Dmytro Kravchenko […]

Institute of Management supports Ukraine peace initiatives

13.05.2024 Oleksii Yehorchenkov on behalf of Institute of Management participated on online meeting organized by the Office of the President of Ukraine with heads and other representatives of about 40 foreign universities that cooperate with Ukrainian higher education institutions. The meeting was attended by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak, […]

PM4U Project Management Spring Block Week 2024

At Institute of Management STUBA have taken place an intensive block-week for students of the Spatial Planning Department, along with Erasmus participants from Ukraine, Germany, Egypt and beyond, as part of the Erasmus Jean Monnet project PM4U (101126659-PM4U-ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH). This week was covered by staff members of Spatial Planning department Oleksii Yehorchenkov and Nataliia Yehorchenkova, who […]

Workshop Projektový manažment v kontexte urbanistickej transformácie EÚ. Smart Cities a spoločnosť riadenú dátami.

Detaily Workshopu: Preskúmajte kľúčovú úlohu nástrojov projektového manažmentu pri mestskom rozvoji, osvojte si najlepšie postupy v oblasti informačných technológií a metodík. Naučte sa stratégie na zlepšenie efektívnosti projektového manažmentu, šité na mieru pre komunikáciu, riadenie zainteresovaných strán a riadenie rizík v oblasti smart cities a spoločnosti riadenej dátami. Kľúčové témy: Najlepšie svetové postupy v projektovom […]

Virtuálna Zimná Škola o Prestavbe a Rekonštrukcii Regiónov v tranzícii

Drahí študenti, odborníci a verejnosť,S radosťou Vás pozývame na online stretnutie plné inovácií a teoretických poznatkov o téme, ktorá je všetkému iná, len nie nudná: “Teória nie je nudná – Prestavba a rekonštrukcia regiónov v tranzícii v kontexte klimatických a spoločenských zmien.” Dátum a Čas: 14.03.2024, 9:00 – 15:00 Online Platforma: ZOOM Na tejto virtuálnej […]