13.05.2024 Oleksii Yehorchenkov on behalf of Institute of Management participated on online meeting organized by the Office of the President of Ukraine with heads and other representatives of about 40 foreign universities that cooperate with Ukrainian higher education institutions. The meeting was attended by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak, Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi and rectors of leading Ukrainian universities.

Andriy Yermak emphasized that Ukraine’s victory in the war, the restoration of a just peace on our land, the return of prisoners of war and illegally deported children are the main priorities for President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his team.

The Head of the Office of the President told the representatives of the global university community about the preparations for the Global Peace Summit to be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland.

Andriy Yermak also noted that the Global Peace Summit aims to reach a common position on three issues that are important for the whole world and have arisen in the wake of Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine: food and nuclear security, and the return of all illegally deported Ukrainian children and prisoners of war.

Institute of Management supports these peace initiatives and Ukrainians in their fight for freedom and European values.