Zuzana Ladzianska works at the Institute of Management STU as an research and teaching assistant, where from November 2022 she is also responsible for the PR activities of the entire institute. She completed her master studies at the Faculty of Architecture STU in the field of Architecture and Urbanism and her doctoral studies at the Institute of Management STU with her dissertation “Reflection of Demographic Changes in Spatial Planning of Slovakia”. She has repeatedly hosted at various foreign universities, in the period 2008-2010 she was part of the DLGS (at IOeR and TU Dresden) in Dresden, Germany. Within the CEEPUS, Socrates-Erasmus and Erasmus exchange programs she visited several universities such as TU Salzburg, AT, PG Gdansk, PL, CTU Prague, CZ, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, where she actively participated in the pedagogical process as well as in the scientific research activities.
She is an active member of the SPECTRA Center of Excellence research team at STU, in which she participates in solving various research tasks. In 2011 she became the holder of the grant “Program for the Support of Young Researchers STU: TerKa 2020 – Territorial Cohesion 2020 – Methodological Challenges for Spatial Planning”. As a researcher, she collaborated on more than 20 international and national projects, where she participated in the preparation of various international and national events in the form of summer schools, workshops or trainings (SPECTRA, SPA.CE-NET, ECLAS, AESOP, ISOCARP, LEPOB, IOP, etc.). So far, she has published more than 50 outputs, of which 14 are kept in WOS / Scopus databases whereas she is a co-author of three monographs.
Researcher profiles
Research interests: Territorial Planning, Urban Design and Planning, Brownfield Redevelopment, Spatial Planning, Regional Development
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zuzana-ladzianska-049a0322b/
Researchgate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zuzana-Ladzianska
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=rW4_d4MAAAAJ&hl=cs
Orcid profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6783-3435
Scopus Researcher ID: 56005935700
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAC-2554-2022
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: 00421-918669144
Office: UM STU, 3rd floor