Fawzi Almalkale is a PhD student at Institute of Management of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He is a Master’s degree graduate of University of Mustansiriyah/Faculty of Administration and Economics/Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, in Baghdad. His Master thesis focused on the relationship between the independent variables (the return on the investment, the return on the equity right, average turnover of assets, percentage of circulating, marginal profit, indebtness ratio, the profit of one share) and the consequential variable (value of share in the market). The topic of his dissertation thesis is focused on the reviving old, afflicted areas in Baghdad and the role of participatory planning in developing them and preserving their spatial identity in light of sustainable development. The researcher chose the ancient Armenian neighborhoods in Baghdad as a sample for the research.

Research interests: Environmental Management, Spatial planning and Land use, Culture and identity, Ethnic diversity and Minority right, sustainable development

Researcher profiles

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/f-almalkale-480348a5/

Orcid profile: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-0710-2221


Email address: [email protected]