Researcher profile
Eva Pauditšová is an associate professor at the Spatial Planning Department of the Institute of Management of STU Bratislava and is one of the persons ensuring the quality of the Spatial Planning study program. She professionally focuses on the environmental and ecological aspects of planning processes at the theoretical, methodological and application level. These topics are provided by her within the profile subjects of the study program Spatial planning, in all 3 degrees of study. As part of planning processes, she applies an integrated approach to the evaluation and research of territories with an emphasis on efficient processing of spatial data about territories using the possibilities of geographic information systems.
For a long time, she has been engaged in the research and evaluation of ecological and environmental aspects of the landscape (from the micro level to the complex syntheses of data about environmental components), including archetypal features of landscape and landscape typology. More than 10 years she has also focused on research related to the prediction and assessment of the impacts of climate change on the environment (projects: Horizont 2020 RESIN, Horizont 2020 ARCH, Grant EHP Climate Resilient Bratislava and others). She is dedicated to the development of methodological approaches including the attributes of the climate change in planning and decision-making processes from the level of analyzes to proposals for measures and regulations and she transfers this knowledge to practice connected with self-government in Slovakia and also abroad (e.g. projects: Georgia, Armenia – Visegrad Fund “Visegrad Resilience Expertise in the South Caucasus”; APVV Effective management of innovation-oriented territorial clusters). She has good experiences in international research cooperation with experts from the European and non-European areas.
She is the author and co-author of many scientific and professional journal publications and monographs, the object of interest of which is the landscape, processes in the landscape and landscape planning and management. She participates in the preparation and assessment of strategic documents at the national and regional level. She is the author and co-author of several methodologies applied in the landscape planning and she is the author of dozens of environmentally and ecologically oriented documentation compiled for practice.
Eva Pauditšová participated in more than 41 national and foreign projects dealing with the topics of landscape protection, landscape management, environmental education, diverse environmental assessments of urban spaces and rural landscape as well as the impacts of climate change on the environment.
She is a member of the several working groups at the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development, and Informatization of the Slovak Republic. She is also a member of several professional societies and organizations, e.g.: SURE – Society for Urban Ecology (Austria), IALE – International Association for Landscape Ecology, Cartographic Society – Slovakia. From 2016 she is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Research interests: landscape and environmental planning, assessment of the effects of activities and strategic documents on the environment, ecology, environmental protection, territorial systems of ecological stability, climate change impacts in cultural landscape
Researcher profiles
LinkedIn profil: www.linkedin.com/in/eva-pauditsova-b631b45b
Researchgate profil: www.researchgate.net/profile/Eva-Pauditsova
Google Scholar profil: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KrSKqVoAAAAJ&hl=sk
Orcid profil: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3533-3385
Scopus ID výskumníka: 6507274790
Web of Science ID výskumníka: ABD-6657-202
Email address: [email protected]
Office: 3rd floor, Institute of Management, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava