Projekt ConnectGREEN (Interreg DTP)
The ConnectGREEN project brings together partners from different countries and different fields (territorial planning, research, public administration, nature protection) with the aim of better identifying ecological corridors, contributing to their better quality and thus overcoming the conflict between infrastructure development and nature protection. The main goal of the project is to preserve or improve ecological connectivity between natural habitats, especially between Natura 2000 sites and other protected areas of international importance in the Carpathian region (Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine).

Projekt TRANSGREEN (Interreg DTP)
The TRANSGREEN project contributes to the creation of a safer road and rail transport network in the Carpathians, which would be gentle on the area’s biodiversity by improving planning, creating concrete transport solutions and sharing experience and knowledge. The project is focused on ecological corridors along the EU TEN-T road and rail transport network in the Carpathians. An interdisciplinary approach involving planners, economists, engineers, ecologists and landscapers provides the necessary knowledge for the creation of guidelines. One of the goals of the project is to ensure a dialogue at the intersectoral political level, the goal of which will be the adoption of a solution. Four pilot territories were selected in the Carpathians for which specific measures will be proposed in terms of planning and construction of a large transport infrastructure to increase the safety of migrating animals: Kysuce – Beskydy (Czech Republic), Košice – Miškolc (Hungary) – Užhorod (Ukraine), Tîrgu Mures – Iasi (Romania), Lugoj – Deva (Romania).

Projekt BhENEFIT (Interreg Central Europe)
BhENEFIT is a project funded by the EU within the regional cooperation program “Interreg-Central Europe”. The Municipality of Mantua is the leading partner of a consortium of 13 partners from 7 different European countries who will work together over the next 30 months to develop a toolkit of integrated systems for the sustainable management of historic urban areas. The project started in Mantua, where all active partners plus 1 observer partner and official representatives of the program met in July 2017.

INSPIRATION (Horizon 2020)
The main objective of INSPIRATION is to develop a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to inform ecological, socially acceptable and economically affordable land and land use management that meets societal needs and challenges. SRA built around the knowledge needs of end-users is more likely to be enthusiastically embraced by funders to support the knowledge creation, transfer and implementation agenda. The SPECTRA EU Center of Excellence at STU in Bratislava acts as the National focal point for the INSPIRATION project within WP2 supported by the Catholic University in Ružomberok, the Institute of Landscape Ecology and the Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Republic.

ITN RegPol2 (Marie Curie Actions FP7)
ITN RegPol2 – Socio-Economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarization in Central and Eastern Europe focuses on emerging patterns of regional differences between metropolitan regions and the rest of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Such a spatial pattern has become a prominent feature of the current settlement system of these countries and has recently fueled concerns about further polarization and peripheralization of non-metropolitan regions. However, patterns of regional polarization are not limited to Central and Eastern Europe, but can be found throughout the European Union, albeit to varying degrees.